Meet Digizuite at Episerver Ascend 2018


Digizuite will attend the Episerver Ascend taking place in Copenhagen, 31st of May 2018.  

Episerver Ascend is a yearly conference focusing on digital solutions within websites, e-commerce, artificial intelligence, machine learning, marketing and user experiences across platforms. You can follow the business track, developers track or the Episerver track. 

Be inspired

During the conference, you will be presented with digital trends, inspiring customer success stories, you can meet experts from abroad, and finally, you'll get to see Copenhagen by night from the seaside at the 'Epi Cruise'.  

Connect with Digizuite at Episerver Ascend 

If you're interested in hearing how Episerver CMS can be integrated with our digital asset management software, Digizuite™ DAM, please get in touch with Jimmy Madsen ( or Søren Skovbølling ( who look forward to meeting you at the event. See you there!

Read about all our DAM integrations here

Interested in meeting Digizuite? 

Get in touch with us now to schedule a meeting at Episerver Ascend!


Digizuite partners with delaware